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Thank you for electing me as one of the councillors
for the South Ward on Melksham Town Council on 6th May 2021, for a four year term.

I intend to stick, after the election, to what I said before the election ... THIS is campaign website at

My "Councillor" website will be at You'll find a copy of the campaign website there initially, but over coming weeks and months it will change to reflect things as they develop. These changes will be nothing like as fast-moving as the election campaign was; we all now have to settle down to doing the job for which we were (s)elected.

Latest diary article - 10.5.2021 - Full Town results. Thank you for voting me in.
My final pre-election Zoom session concluded. Now elected, further but less frequent sessions will be set up.

Graham Ellis - diary index

Links in this page:
Introduction to Graham Ellis
Campaigning for Melksham
How does Melksham Council spend your money?
(Back to top of page)
Some other pages on this site:
Home page and • Launch page
Graham Ellis - background and • views
Graham Ellis - diary and • diary index
Philosophies of working as a town councillor
The Role of the Town Council and Councillors
How YOU can help and • Contact me
Links to other web sites and • pictures

Graham Ellis - elected to Melksham Town Council
Independent for South Ward

posted on 10th May 2021

Thank you for voting - How I reached you

posted on 8th May 2021

Thank you for voting - results awaited

posted on 7th May 2021

Election Day!

posted on 6th May 2021

Please vote - here are your polling stations

posted on 5th May 2021

Graham Ellis - your candidate revealed

posted on 4th May 2021

Cycling (and signage, safety and security) - Melksham

posted on 3rd May 2021

Melksham Train Service - then, now, future

posted on 2nd May 2021

A Tale of Two Cities Cafes

posted on 1st May 2021

On reaching everyone with my message

posted on 30th April 2021

Recap - why I am standing for Town Council in 2021

posted on 29th April 2021

Writing to inform residents and others

posted on 28th April 2021

Why is a big double decker running up my street?

posted on 27th April 2021

Wiltshire - how each vote works (PCC, Unitary and Town/Parish)

posted on 26th April 2021

Melksham Markets

posted on 25th April 2021

It IS possible to slash private car mileage and still get around!

posted on 24th April 2021

Chamber of Commerce - my record there

posted on 23rd April 2021

Postal votes are arriving - please vote wisely

posted on 22nd April 2021

Voting analysis - Melksham South Ward

posted on 21st April 2021

Improving Bus services - England to Melksham South

posted on 20th April 2021

Promoting Melksham in Reading

posted on 19th April 2021

Melksham Bypass - answering "are you for or against"?

posted on 18th April 2021

On Melksham Bypass and housing growth

posted on 17th April 2021

Town Councillor - job spec and what I can do for you

posted on 16th April 2021

Melksham Public transport - a growing need in the next decade

posted on 15th April 2021

Addressing Issues - School drop offs and pick ups

posted on 14th April 2021

Persistance pays - overcoming political hurdles

posted on 13th April 2021

Melksham, litter picking volunteer

posted on 12th April 2021

Big changes in our streets - electric car charging

posted on 11th April 2021

How does Melksham Town spend your Council Tax?

posted on 10th April 2021

Online answer questions, every 4 days.

posted on 9th April 2021

Making it walkable to the station - saving lifts and driving

posted on 8th April 2021

From 2 empty trains to 9 busy ones. Next, buses!

posted on 7th April 2021

Campaigning in partnership, and with passion, for Melksham

posted on 6th April 2021

Rubbish bins - do we need even more?

posted on 5th April 2021

Melksham Town Centre

posted on 4th April 2021

An Introduction to Graham Ellis

posted on 2nd April 2021

Four in a Bed

posted on 1st April 2021

Restoring old buildings

posted on 31st March 2021


Thank you for voting Graham Ellis onto Melksham Town Council

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