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Thank you for electing me as one of the councillors
for the South Ward on Melksham Town Council on 6th May 2021, for a four year term.

I intend to stick, after the election, to what I said before the election ... THIS is campaign website at

My "Councillor" website will be at You'll find a copy of the campaign website there initially, but over coming weeks and months it will change to reflect things as they develop. These changes will be nothing like as fast-moving as the election campaign was; we all now have to settle down to doing the job for which we were (s)elected.

Latest diary article - 10.5.2021 - Full Town results. Thank you for voting me in.
My final pre-election Zoom session concluded. Now elected, further but less frequent sessions will be set up.

How you can help me

Links in this page:
Prior to 6th May 2021
On 6th May 2021
After 6th May 2021
Get in touch - ANY TIME
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Some other pages on this site:
Home page and • Launch page
Graham Ellis - background and • views
Graham Ellis - diary and • diary index
Philosophies of working as a town councillor
The Role of the Town Council and Councillors
How YOU can help and • Contact me
Links to other web sites and • pictures

Prior to 6th May 2021

Please tell others about me and my campaign -

If you are fit and able, please get in touch and help me distribute leaflets in Melksham South

If you have any questions or hear of any I have not answered, please let me know - similarly if I need to clarify / extend anything I have written.

I am not asking for financial help in my campaign. I am putting my own money where my mouth is. Expenditure during the election period is limited by law, and as a single candidate I can spend less than a party or group ticket looking to win multiple seats. Of course, that does mean I can buy less exposure so I need your vote and I would really appreciate your help in other ways:

On 6th May 2021

(or earlier if you have a postal vote) Please Vote for me - GRAHAM ELLIS

After 6th May 2021

I may be asking purely for your help with public and sustainable transport activities or I (if elected) may be asking for feedback and views across all the various areas a Town Councillor is involved with, and for active help in progressing projects too!

At any time or date

You are also welcome to contact me via Facebook / Messenger, email or phone
Please enter your name
Please enter your postcode
Please enter your phone number if you would like me to call
Please enter your email address if you would like me to answer by email
Would you be able to help me?With leaflets
With speading the message on social media
With speading the message to friends
With useful questions and information
Sorry - can't help - just sending a message
Your message / comment
Please note the information requested will be used purely to answer;
I will ask for separate permission before adding you to any mailing list or sharing
Please click on SUBMIT to send ->

Thank you for voting Graham Ellis onto Melksham Town Council

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